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Showing posts from June, 2017

Project 1 - GoFlight Radio Panel box (part 1)

Many years ago I bought a Go Flight Radio Panel with the intention of adding more but it never got much use as it didn't have any handy mount or stand, just a PCB sticking out the back. The shipping costs and added import duty for the official mounting boxes meant it wasn't likely to get used. And sure enough it has just collected dust. it might be nice to mount it alongside some of my existing Saitek Pro Flight Panels. This dusty GoFlight Radio Panel needs a place to live Saitek Pro Flight Panels - a unified mounting arrangement using M4 thumbscrews Project description Build a mounting frame for the radio panel that is compatible with Saitek Pro Flight mounting system. It should match the styling of existing panels. Let's get started, dimensions We need some measurements. If we are lucky, a manufacturer may have a drill template for mounting their hardware. Going to the product page at GoFlight we get some basic specifications, a panel size (in inches

I'm clueless, but enthusiastic

You know what they say about Linux? It's only free if your time is worth nothing. I like to make stuff so I consider learning new skills a fair trade off. 3D printing opens up a new way of prototyping and making stuff without needing a lot of space or dealing with wood-chips, perfect for apartments or tiny houses you have to rent and no longer have the space for a full workshop. There are different methods of 3D printing, when people talk about it they typically mean the low-end domestic type of 3D printers that perform what is called FDM, Fused Deposition Modelling (depositing a partially melted plastic filament). This blog is about my journey into FDM. Noob Like most gaming geeks I have a desk cluttered with working and slightly broken peripherals (TrackIR clips, camera mounts, Saitek throttles, Comms panels without cases.) What if I could fabricate replacement parts, of improved components? But there's a problem, I'm a total noob when it comes to CAD and 3D printing